понеделник, 7 октомври 2013 г.

Stenolemus bituberus - аssassin bug

 Stenolemus bituberus
This bug hunts in two general ways: by slowly stalking the victim and by luring it. In the first way the insect slowly approaches the spider until it comes in range and then suddenly stabs the prey with its rostrum. While using the second and more interesting tactic, the assassin bug mimics spiders victim by pulling a thread of his web. The spider is attracted thinking it is his prey and comes to check the situation, when he is suddenly stabbed by the S. bituberus rostrum. The assassin bug sometimes carries some parts of the spider bodies as an armor. S. bituberus inhabitates Australia.

Stenolemus girafa
S. girafa while hunting
Stenolemus bituberus

Stenolemus bituberus

Images by: <peonyden.blogspot.com> and <bio.mq.edu.au>

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